A place to learn and grow together
Welcome To Devbhoomi Academy !
Dev Bhoomi academy is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students under the direction of dedicated teachers.
Life at DBA centres on a shared commitment to academic excellence, intellectual growth, art, athletics, high standards of ethical awareness, sportsmanship, and community service. The school’s traditions and accessibility to a broad curriculum add depth to each student’s life.
Through out years of curriculum, packed with numerous learning activities, we attempt towards achieving that ideal balance in the behaviour patterns of children where by they develop mature responses in the growing-up process.
An ideal education forms and nourishes as wide a range of capacities and skills in our children as possible.
Dev Bhoomi Academy not only focusses on study but on all round development of child. We at DBA are fully committed to take care of our students so that they have a rich experience where their physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual development takes place.