Our Mission

To make our school, Senior Secondary School where the result will speak by providing the best education by the best teachers. The main mission is to polish each and every student of school.
The School motto is in consonance with the vision of the founder of the trust. Only value based education will enable students to discern between proper and improper, right and wrong, will promote integrity and inculcate positive behaviour beneficial for the society.

Our Motto is: “Vidya Dadati Vinayam”, which means “learning makes a person humble”.

Our Vision

The school has developed a delivery system to make the vision of the founder a vibrant reality.Childhood is the time when children are eager to explore a new world and do many things all at once. A time when ideas and energy need to be channelized, Indus Public School lets children discover beauty in the world around them. Here children’s freedom and space is respected to enable them to blossom and assimilate knowledge through a process of self-discovery.

Student’s inquisitive nature is kindled and their energy is channelized to pursue systematic learning. At every stage, it is ensured that their interest level is sustained and ample scope is provided to them to exhibit their innate talents. This not only helps the students in their overall development but also helps teachers to give individual attention to their students and groom them to their best potential.


A place to learn and grow together

Welcome To Devbhoomi Academy !

Dev Bhoomi academy is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students under the direction of dedicated teachers.
Life at DBA centres on a shared commitment to academic excellence, intellectual growth, art, athletics, high standards of ethical awareness, sportsmanship, and community service. The school’s traditions and accessibility to a broad curriculum add depth to each student’s life.
Through out years of curriculum, packed with numerous learning activities, we attempt towards achieving that ideal balance in the behaviour patterns of children where by they develop mature responses in the growing-up process.

An ideal education forms and nourishes as wide a range of capacities and skills in our children as possible.
Dev Bhoomi Academy not only focusses on study but on all round development of child. We at DBA are fully committed to take care of our students so that they have a rich experience where their physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual development takes place.

Why Dev Bhoomi Academy

Smart Classes

The arena of smart class gives a new dimension to teaching; through which the Teaching-Learning process is facilitated. It helps to explore new horizons of mind and acts as a catalyst. Students are facilitated with the smartboard from the very beginning for all the subjects. With the use of smart classes, we allow our students to question, evaluate, create, communicate and discover thereby improving their academic performance.

Transport Facility

Each child wears an I-Card which gives details of his or her individual bus route. Also, the Almanac issued to each child, lists the details of the escorts who would drop and receive the child from their respective bus stops. Each bus is equipped with a First Aid Box and communication is maintained with the Teacher duty throughout.

Music and dance room

The Music Room offers sheer splendor, where melodious voices and chords are created and practiced. The dedicated teachers spot the talents and groom them up. Under the focused guidance of teachers, our students have won many laurels for the school.

Science Lab

The school has well equipped and spacious integrated science lab, physics lab, chemistry lab & biology lab providing modern gadgets/apparatus, etc required by students to quench their experimentation thirst. Here scientific attitude is developed among the students, along with the ability to analyze, collate, compute, integrate and deduce by experimenting with the academic knowledge gained in the class / through books. In short, we endeavor to grow future scientists of the world in our labs.

Computer labs

We have fully equipped computer and multimedia lab with latest IT Hardware & Software functioning, which helps to use computers as a tool in learning and gaining information, in any field of their choice. Here we give training to young minds through trained staff on the latest technologies like flash, visual, basic, oracle,web-designing, etc. through software & tools so that our students can comfortably face the evolving era of information technology. This Lab enables them to create presentations, work out calculations, and make graphics/movies & formatting data, to pursue their interest .

Counselling Section

It is indeed a wonder room. Here students are guided to find the deep root of stillness in themselves, which also has a connection to everything else. The serenity of the room enables us to overcome the stress and pressures in today's hectic and tension-ridden world by harnessing values, character building, and by reorienting actions for fulfilling our ambitions.


Education is not only the ready access to 'off-the-shelf information' but also about the development of critical awareness and the ability to transform what one is given into something more meaningful. Thus, it is a great challenge to use knowledge in this direction. The brain can be trained to achieve this idealistic level with a 'Personal Strategic Plan. A personal Strategic Plan is a disciplined thought process. It is an intellectual process that helps one to formulate an idea of how to work.

It cannot be a wild guess or an impulsive act. It is a map of our course of action. It builds a bridge that narrows the gap between where we stand and where we aspire to be. It involves setting 'doable', practical goals. It breaks the shackles of uncertainty. It facilitates decision-making that takes every action into account and calculates every step taken towards the goal. Planning is also key to control, co-ordination and direction.

Dear students, the hallmark of all 'go getters' is a burning desire to accomplish the task, however big or painstaking, and scale new heights. All successful people are critical thinkers who have made a full-proof plan of what they want to achieve. Make the best of the plethora of opportunities. Aim higher, Create your own future and success is surely yours.

Pooja Bisht

Principal | Dev Bhoomi Academy

Admission before September 2024